Meet the Team: Suzannah
Suzannah is the pioneer of EdenMarsh Australia. She took on starting up a new business right before the pandemic hit us! Covid couldn’t stop this wonder woman, though. Director, recruiter, leader and friend to anyone who is lucky enough to work with her, her warmth and positive energy are always radiating brightly.
Whilst growing and running a busy business, she’s also running a very busy home with two wonderful twin boys! I wouldn’t mess with her, though. She’s recently started Taekwondo, so she will likely be a black belt in a month.
What’s something people would never guess about you?
I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to tidying and cleaning up — it’s mental for me living in a household of boys!! And… I cut my own hair — which you probably might have guessed, haha!
How did you get into recruitment?
After 7 years working in TV as a freelance producer, I was becoming weary from going from feast to famine in between contracts and really yearned for financial stability in a full-time role. So I decided to look for a career change where I could utilise my people skills, be challenged and be financially rewarded for my achievements. Back in the day, when you used to read the job ad section in the paper, I came by one for a Recruitment Consultant in the Creative Industry; I applied, interviewed, got the job, and the rest is history!
Who did you want to be as a kid?
An actress or a drummer.
What is your most unusual talent or skill?
Playing the Congas.
How do you spend your time outside of work?
Being mum, wife, cook, cleaner and candle-stick maker (haha), jogging, gardening, drinking coffee & wine — sometimes all at the same time!
What achievements are you proud of?
Being a mum to gorgeous twin boys and running my first 11kms ‘Sutherland to Surf’ race (albeit within the covid conditions in 2021). Go me!
What were you like as a kid?
Hyperactive! Completely bananas! My parents had to use a body harness on me as a child when walking outside just in case I’d go running off down the street. I was also loud — trying to compete with two older sisters all the time — I had to make myself heard 🙂 Also means I have a tendency to be bossy… eek.
What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis?
Running late 🙁
What movie or TV show do you rewatch often?
‘As Good As It Gets’ has two of my favourite actors as leads, Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson, and has just the right amount of emotion, humour and romance.

What’s your music taste?
From Classical to Jazz, pop and old-school drum & bass. My favourite Jazz artists are Gregory Porter and Diana Krall. ALSO will never tire of listing to the U2 ‘The Joshua Tree’ album.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
While my husband is getting the boys to bed, I watch historical Viking dramas on Netflix. My favourite has been The Last Kingdom series, and this has nothing to do with the male lead being an Adonis 😉
Tell me about your favourite memory from your life…
I have the best childhood memories from my summer holidays. Every year my family would go camping down in Cornwall with friends, and I loved the long summer days on the beach, sunburn, seagulls, crab catching, rock with your name through it and Cornish pasties.
My adult memory is meeting my husband for the first time and then getting hitched!
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
Giving birth to TWINS… I think that counts!
A ‘wild thing’ that happened to me was being in an earthquake while on holiday in Bali — it was the eve of my 40th Birthday — thankfully, I lived to tell the tale 🙂
If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose?
Victorian era. Would want to go back as a High Society Lady wearing exquisite Victorian dresses and ornate jewellery. Though the lack of sanitation will be horrid!
What’s your favourite food of all time?
My husbands cooking 🙂
What game or reality show would you like to be a guest on?
LegoMasters — I’ve developed a love of lego builds through playing with my sons; however, I don’t think I’m up to the standard required to be a contestant! Just have to see the brick pit!
What was the silliest mistake you’ve ever made at work?
Had to advise a candidate to be more aware of their personal hygiene and wear deodorant as the client requested it — the studio must have been a small space! NOTE: They took it well!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
My Dad has always said, ‘Never, never, never-EVER give up on your goals and dreams for your life!’
What’s your favourite thing about working in recruitment?
My favourite thing is making those client and candidate connections, and when a candidate gets the offer they’ve been waiting for, it is gold!
What advice would you like to give to our candidates searching for jobs?
Be open and follow your passion in the role you want to pursue, trust your gut and look at your skills that you can add to a role but also be transparent on those that you need to learn.
If you have some Lego masterpieces to show off to Suzannah, email her at suzannah@edenmarsh.com.au*
*If you’re not into Lego, she’ll accept portfolios as a consolation.