Meet the Team: Katie
Katie, named after the mighty Bush — but don’t call her Kate! — her surname rhymes with Bowie (oh-ee, not ow-ee, now it’s getting complicated…), and a tweet of hers about him once went viral. She’s an ace interviewer and candidate collaborator, and the EdenMarsher most likely to be ordering dessert for starter, main and pudding.
What’s something people would never guess about you?
I have a degree in jewellery and silversmithing; I haven’t done any jewellery-making in years, though.
How did you get into recruitment?
Totally by accident! I happened to apply for a job EdenMarsh had on. Sam very politely emailed me back, explaining that I wasn’t right for that particular job but asked if I would like to work for EdenMarsh instead. I said yes, and here I am 4 years later!
Who did you want to be as a kid?
An archaeologist. I watched a lot of Time Team as a kid and would corral my friends into digging holes in the school playing field, looking for artefacts. We never found anything, obviously. When I got a bit older, I realised I didn’t like being muddy or damp, so that was off the table, and I moved on to more indoorsy career prospects!
What is your most unusual talent or skill?
I played tenor horn as a kid; I reckon if I’d stuck with it, I’d have got pretty good, but I wasn’t actually interested in the instrument. I only went to the trial lesson so I could get out of going to assembly and found myself stuck in the brass band.
How do you spend your time outside of work?
I have many old lady hobbies — country walks, gardening, embroidery and crochet. Every year I age a bit more into my personality!
What achievements are you proud of?
When I was in primary school, the trivia quiz team I was on won the regional finals at the local library — been chasing that high ever since!
What were you like as a kid?
An absolute know-it-all. My favourite thing to do on school trips was to impress the tour guide with my extensive knowledge of useless facts, which is cute when you’re a kid but insufferable as an adult, so I keep it to myself these days!

What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis?
I’m left-handed, so I do a lot of things awkwardly. An old colleague told me that the way I cut paper made her uncomfortable; I think it must look like I’m about to stab myself with scissors or something!
What movie or TV show do you rewatch often?
Parks and Recreation, I’ve had it on an almost constant loop since I first watched it and could probably recite most of it by heart. It’s very comforting!
What’s your music taste?
I like to think I have a really eclectic taste in music, but then again, I have seen Hozier live four times, so I don’t know what that says about me.
What’s the last thing you’ve read or a podcast you’ve listened to?
I’m currently reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood- it was my Secret Santa present from Jim (thanks, Jim!), and I love it. The last podcast I listened to was Underunderstood — a group of journalist friends use their investigative skills to find the answers to things Google doesn’t know; it’s good fun!
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I was a teenage emo — with the extreme skinny jeans, side fringe and everything — and I still enjoy listening to music from back then and reminiscing about my youth. My particular favourite band was My Chemical Romance, and yes, I am going to their reunion tour!
Who is your celebrity crush?
Tom Hiddleston!
Tell me about your favourite memory from your life…
I got married last year- that’s a pretty good memory! Although the reception is a bit of a drunken haze and isn’t all that clear in my recollection.
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
Probably any ill-advised teenage decision I made, I wasn’t particularly rebellious, but I wasn’t very savvy either. You think you’re indestructible when you’re 14, but then you get older and question your line of thinking.
If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose?
Probably back to 2019 to advise my past self to stock up on toilet paper and flour. Either that or I’d travel through the early 20th century collecting cool vintage clothes, then come back, set for life fashion-wise.
What are three items on your bucket list?
They’re mainly travel-related, I think — I’d love to go to Petra in Jordan, do a road trip around the US and hike around New Zealand like I’m in Lord of the Rings.
What’s your favourite food of all time?
I have a real sweet tooth, so anything with a high sugar content. Dessert is the most important part of a meal as far as I’m concerned.
What’s the weirdest thing in your closet?
I tried making my own clothes while I was at art school, but I never learned how to do it properly. Some very questionable style decisions were made!
What game or reality show would you like to be a guest on?
My dad went through a phase of applying for us to go on Bargain Hunt without my knowledge or permission; thankfully, they never called him back. So, not that! I like to think I’d be good at Bake Off, but the reality is that I have no idea what a Creme Pat is, and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.
What was the silliest mistake you’ve ever made at work?
I am truly excellent at cc-ing the wrong people into emails- sometimes the same person over and over again! Luckily for me, it’s never been anything bad, but I’m checking my work now and not pushing my luck!
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Measure success against your own growth, don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
What’s your favourite thing about working in recruitment?
I’m pretty nosy, so I love chatting with candidates about their work, what they’ve been up to, and what they want to do next. The more you can tell me, the better!
What advice would you like to give to our candidates searching for jobs?
Put just as much effort into your portfolio as you would any other type of work — that’s a piece of design just as much as the other projects you’ve done. A good portfolio layout can elevate even the very best work.
If you’d like to share your ‘teenage dirtbag’ era pics with Katie, email them to katie@edenmarsh.co.uk